Account Receivable Report

Account Receivable Report

This report provides an overview of money owed from patients and insurance companies for a given provider for 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. You can also view a detailed Accounts Receivable (AR) report.

Why you need it?

Use this report to get a quick view of the AR for your facility for a specific period.

1. On the zHealth dashboard, hover the cursor over your name on the top right corner. Click on "Reports" from the drop-down.

2. On the Reports window, scroll down to the Payment Reports section.

Click on the
Account Receivable Report option. The window will refresh.

3. This is how the AR report will look like. The Report organizes your Accounts Receivable in by Money Owed from Patients and Money Owed from Insurances. This allows you to understand the time-frame between providing a service and receiving payment from patients and insurance companies.

5. To get detailed Insurance AR report, scroll down and click on the link on "Click Here". The detailed Insurance AR report will appear below that.

To download the detailed Insurance AR report, click the "
Download Icon" as shown here. The detailed Insurance AR report will have the following information for each insurance company that you deal with in your clinic:
  1. Patient Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Contact Number
  4. Patient Address
  5. Patient Type
  6. AR < 30 days
  7. AR 30-60 days
  8. AR 60-90 days
  9. AR > 90 days
  10. Total AR

Column Field Descriptions:

Field Name


Report generated for

The name of the chiropractic service provider is shown here

Money owed from Patients

Patient Name

This column indicates the name of the patients who owe you money

 Date of Birth
 This column indicates the date of birth of the patient who owe you money
This column indicates the contact number* of the patient who owe you money.
*Note: This is the first contact number (Home, Work, or Mobile Number) of the patient added to the Patient's Contact Details.
 This column indicates the address of the patient

<30 days

Outstanding balance; 0-29 days old

30-60 days

Outstanding balance; 30-60 days old

60-90 days

Outstanding balance; 60-90 days old

>90 days

Outstanding balance; more than 90 days old


The total dollar amount owed by all patients

Money owed from Insurances

Insurance Name

This column indicates the names of the insurance companies that are yet to pay your billed claims

<30 days

Outstanding balance; 0-29 days old

30-60 days

Outstanding balance; 30-60 days old

60-90 days

Outstanding balance; 60-90 days old

>90 days

Outstanding balance; more than 90 days old


The total dollar amount owed by all insurances

For additional help finding a report or data you are looking for, try our 'Reporting Matrix'.

Click the attachment to view a sample of the Patient and Insurance Accounts Receivable Report as well as Detailed Insurance AR Report.

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