Appointment Detail Report

Appointment Detail Report

This report provides an overview of all appointments booked in your practice, the name of the provider who provided the services and when along with appointment type, appointment status, patient name, and more.

Why you need it?

Use this report to get a quick overview of all appointments booked in your practice and their statuses. 

1.  On the zHealth dashboard, hover the cursor over your name on the top right corner. Click "Reports".

2. Appointment Reports section. Click on Appointment Detail Report. A pop-up window will open.

3a. Select the date from the calendar.
b. Click '
Generate Report'.

4. This is how the Appointment Detail Report for a selected date will look like.

Column Field Descriptions:

Field Name


Appointment ID

This is a system generated unique appointment ID

Appointment Start Date

The start date and time of the appointment

Appointment End Date

The end date and time of the appointment

Appointment Duration

The duration of the appointment

Appointment Status

The status of the appointment - whether the appointment is a no-show, provider signed the note, etc.

Appointment Type

The type of appointment - new patient, existing patient, massage, report findings, etc.

Appointment Reason

This column typically shows the patient's chief complaint or the reason for seeing the provider

Encounter ID

The unique ID assigned to the patient's encounter. Encounter ID is different from Appointment ID as encounters and appointments are recorded separately in our system and that's why there are two different identifiers for encounters and appointments. (Please note that missed appointments won't have any encounter ID.)

Patient Name

The name of the patient who received the services

Practice Name

The name of the clinic where the services were rendered


The name of the provider who attended the patient

Service Location

The address of the service location

For additional help finding a report or data you are looking for, try our 'Reporting Matrix'.

Click the attachment to view a sample of the Appointment Detail Report.

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