Can I download all SOAP Notes?

Can I download all SOAP Notes?

You can do this, but you will have to do it manually patient by patient from Past Notes. There is no mass export for Notes and we currently do not provide support for this.

To download SOAP Notes patient by patient, follow the steps mentioned below:
  1. Click the Search Icon in the top navigation bar. This will help you get all patient search results.
  2. Click on the first patient name.
  3. On the Patient Profile, go to Past Notes tab. 
  4. On the Past Notes tab, you can view 10 past notes of the patient by default.
  5. Click the top checkbox on the left side of the screen to select all 10 past notes.
  6. Click Print Notes and select whether you want to download SOAP notes With Invoice, Without Invoice or With Invoice but no charges shown.
  7. Follow the system prompt to download the past notes as PDF files and save them in your system.
  8. Once you save the first 10 past notes of the patients, close the pop-up window. 
  9. Click Next on the bottom of the page to view, download, and save next 10 past notes of the patient. 
  10. Repeat step numbers 5-8 to download and save more SOAP Notes.
  11. Once you complete downloading all SOAP notes of a patient, continue all the above steps for the next patient in your system.