Change Number of Months in Appointment Calendar

Change Number of Months in Appointment Calendar

zHealth provides an easy way to change default schedule view on your Home Dashboard to help you get more detailed patient appointment information using color codes and helpful icons.

1. Access your zHealth Dashboard. Hover the cursor over to your name. A drop-down menu will open.

Click on the third option - Update Info - from the drop-down menu.

2. In the Update Info window, click on the second tab - Provider.

Below the navigation bar, there is a dropdown list. Select the Provider Name from here.

3. Scroll down to the bottom. There is an option - Number of Months in Appointment Calendar.

Enter the number of months you want to see in the appointment calendar.

For example, if you want to see three months in the calendar, Enter 3 in the box provided.

Click ‘Update’ to save the details. The Default Schedule View is saved for the provider you selected.

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