Q2: How primary posting reflects on invoice when a patient has secondary insurance?
The invoice will only display the primary insurance paid amount (when action type is Crossover or Bill Additional Insurance). Any adjustments or patient responsibility amounts posted for the primary insurance will appear as $0 on the invoice until the secondary insurance is posted. However, if you click on the "Edit" icon for the payment line within the invoice, you will be able to see the adjustment and patient responsibility amounts of the primary insurance.
Q3: Should we click the Update button for primary posting from the Invoice Payment Edit Icon when a claim is still pending with the secondary insurance?
You should avoid hitting the Update button for primary insurance postings if you are still awaiting a response from the secondary insurance. Updating prematurely will force any adjustments or patient responsibility (PR) posted for the primary insurance to the invoice, resulting in an IR balance of $0. This action prevents the system from posting the secondary EOB/ERA when it is received, as the IR balance is already $0. In summary, once the primary payment has been posted, the adjustment and patient responsibility on the invoice will reflect as $0 (action type is crossover or bill additional insurance). This should be maintained until you receive and post the EOB/ERA from the secondary insurance.
Q4: How to correct Primary Posting if we accidentally hit the Update button from Invoice Payment Edit Icon?
You can resolve this issue by navigating to the primary posting section from the Invoice Payment Edit Icon. There, you can make the adjustment and patient responsibility (PR) as $0. This action will return the balance to IR, allowing you to post the secondary insurance payment. Alternatively, you can also delete the primary EOB/ERA from invoice and repost them. This will also change the invoice status to 8S. So, if you have already submitted the claim to secondary and are waiting for a response, don’t resubmit it to secondary again after primary reposting. You can just wait for the secondary insurance response.
Please note that if a claim has been generated for an invoice and you subsequently add Co-Pay or Co-Insurance on the patient chart, the "Recalculate & Save" button will not update the Co-Pay or Co-Insurance amount to Patient Responsibility (PR). This is a default system behavior designed to prevent inconsistencies after a claim has been generated and/or submitted. The recommended best practice in this scenario is to wait for the EOB/ERA from the insurance provider and post the PR balance from the EOB/ERA onto the invoice. Meanwhile, you can collect the Co-Pay or Co-Insurance from the patient and add it on the patient credit. Once you have posted the EOB/ERA, you can then apply it on the invoice from the patient credit.