Daily Schedule Report

Daily Schedule Report

This report provides a list of appointments booked on a given date/day at your facility.

Why you need it?

Use this report to know which provider has how many appointments booked on a given date.

1. To get started, access your zHealth dashboard. Hover your cursor over  your name at the top right corner. A drop-down menu will open. Click on "Reports".

2. On the Reports window, go to the Scheduling Reports section on the left side of the screen. Click on the second option - Daily Schedule Report. A pop-up window will open.

3. Select date. Then click 'Generate Report'.

4. This is how the daily schedule report for the selected date will look like.

Column Field Descriptions:

Field Name


Total Booked Appointments

The total number of booked appointments in your practice for a given date range

Missed Appointments

The total number of missed appointments in your practice for a given date range

Checked-in Appointments

The total appointments that patients checked-in in your practice for a given date range

Rescheduled Appointments

The total appointments that have been rescheduled in your practice for a given date range


The appointment date


The appointment time


This column shows the names of the patients who have an appointment scheduled


This is the first contact number of the patient which is there in Contact Details in the Patient Profile


This is the patient's email address

Last Visit Date
The last date when the patient visited your clinic for chiropractic care.
 Visit Count
 This column indicates what's the number of visit (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and so on...) for the given patient when he last booked the appointment.


The patient type for the patient - Cash, Insurance, Personal Injury, Attorney Lien, Workers Compensation, etc.

Primary Insurance ID
 This is the unique member ID number for the primary insurance taken by the patient.
Primary Insurance
 This field shows the name of the primary insurance payer
Secondary Insurance ID
This is the unique member ID number for the secondary insurance taken by the patient.
Secondary Insurance
This field shows the name of the secondary insurance payer


The copay dollar amount or coinsurance percentage written on the patient's insurance card


The name of the provider with whom the appointment was booked

Appointment Type

The type of appointment: whether it is: existing patient, new patient, massage, follow-up telehealth, report of findings, etc.


This column typically shows the patient's chief complaint or the reason for seeing the provider

For additional help finding a report or data you are looking for, try our 'Reporting Matrix'.

Click the attachment to view a sample of the Daily Schedule Report.

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