Helping a Staff User Sign In

Helping a Staff User Sign In

There can be a number of staff users at your facility using zHealth. Sometimes, a staff member might have trouble logging in to zHealth. This seems to happen from time to time - especially if a stored password is forgotten or a bookmark is lost. Here is how you can help a staff user help to log in to their profile.

1. On the top right corner of the zHealth Dashboard, you will see Your Name (Provider Name). Hover the cursor over your name and a drop-down menu will open. Click on 'User Management'.

2. On the User Management page, you will be able to see all providers and staff members in your facility.

If the user has forgotten his password, you can reset it for him or her. To reset password for a user, click on the '
Reset Password' button.

 A pop-up window will open. If you're sure to reset the password, click 'Yes'.

3. The password will be reset. You will get the new password as shown here. Copy the password correctly on a notepad or a piece of paper and ask the user to save it. Click "OK" to close the window.

4. To find the username, check the column 'Username'. Copy the username of the given user from here.

5. Now ask the user to open a Chrome browser in his or her computer or tablet. Type Click Enter.

On the zHealth website, 
enter the username and new password you have saved in the above steps. Click Login. The user will be able to successfully login to his or her account now.

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