How to Activate (or update) the zHealth Pay Terminal on a Windows PC

How to Activate (or update) the zHealth Pay Terminal on a Windows PC

This brief guide and video tutorial will walk you through how to set up or update your zHealth Pay Terminal on your PC so you can start collecting payments. 
Note: zHealth Pay Terminal only works with Mac or PC. The Terminal will be shipped to your address only when you signup for zHealth Pay through your zHealth account. If you need help, contact our customer support at

Video Tutorial - How to Activate (or update) the Cloudbridge App for zHealth Pay

How-to Guide - Activating zHealth Pay Terminal

1. Install the following Windows App (version 1.90.19) on your PC: Click Here

In order to do that open a web browser and copy the link above into the browser. Click Enter. Save the zip file onto your computer.

2. Once the file is downloaded, double-click to open the install wizard.

3. You may see a warning message “ Windows protected your PC ”.

4. Click on the option “More Info”. 

Then click on “Run Anyway”.

5. You will see a window showing the installation.

6. It will start the installation wizard. Click Next.

7. The next screen will show the installation path.
Keep defaults and click "Next".
Again, click "Next" to start the installation.

8. The installation will start. Once it completes, you will get the message that the AnyPay Cloud Bridge has been successfully installed. Click Close to exit.

9. A shortcut icon will be saved on your desktop. You can also go to the start menu and open “AnyPay Cloud Bridge”.  You will see the application opening up on the bottom right of your screen.

10. Once the application has launched, it will ask for “Activation Code” and “Activation Key or "Merchant Key”.

Now, go to your zHealth dashboard. Hover the cursor over your name on the top right corner. Click "
zHealth Pay". On the zHealth Pay page, you will see a message - "Your can locate the Activation Code and Key for your card reader by clicking here."  (Check the first screenshot)

Click the link and a pop-up window appears. The pop-up box shows the "
Activation Code” and “Activation Key or Merchant Key ".* (Check the second screenshot). Copy the code and key from here.

Now, enter the Activation Code and Merchant Key onto the Payment Terminal application and click Activate(Check the third screenshot). You should see a message “Card Reader Connected. Waiting for transaction…

You are now ready to process payments through the terminal!

*Note: zHealth Pay supports multiple Activation Codes and Merchant Keys if your facility is using multiple card readers.

How-to Guide - Processing Payments Through zHealth Payments Terminal

1. Once you are ready to charge a credit card, enter the payment amount and select “zHealth Pay Terminal”. You will see a screen pop-up that has a button - “Initiate Payment”.

2. Clicking on “ Initiate Payment ” should update the screen.

Checking Your Product Version - AnyPay Cloudbridge App

Once you download and start using the AnyPay CloudBridge App, you should always keep it updated as much as possible. An updated app will run smoothly and provide you with additional security.

The following steps will enable you to check the app version:

1. To find your current Product Version, open the settings cog button on your AnyPay Cloudbridge App.

2. Your current version can be found here.


Q: What is the required operating system for a PC?
A: As of May 2023, PCs require Microsoft Windows 10 or 11.

Q: We have each person in the office login to the computers through Windows. We currently do not have a generic login for our front desk staff to use. If we did, and the reader was attached to that generic login, then I believe it would work as stated as we would just sign into zHealth via the internet off said generic login. If this is the case, this may cause some issues as our other programs are login specific but that does need to be verified.

Ans: The problem is that you're running a multi user configuration on a Windows machine, and then trying to run a service that uses blocking calls across multiple user accounts without using group policy editor for process control.   A windows SA, or MCSE would be able to sort this out as it is a common task for a windows systems admin.

Basically, what you need to do is isolate the Cloudbridge process to each user account, so that as a user logs out, it stops CB on logout and when a user logs in, it starts it. This is pretty simple to do with policy editor under Win10 Pro, but you do need to know what you are doing. It can also be done with Powershell scripts.

The equivalent can be done using zsh scripting on Mac or Linux. There is is far more easier to implement.

For windows users logging out:

In windows, you need to use the group policy editor and define a script to be run before logout (gpedit.msc -> User Conf -> Windows Settings -> Scripts -> Logoff).  You need to point it at a powershell script that can be as simple as the one liner:

taskkill /IM AnyPayCloudBridge /F

For windows users logging  in:

In group policy editor, set a script for pedit.msc -> User Conf -> Windows Settings -> Scripts -> Logon

The script will be a one liner, something like

Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\AnywhereCommerce\AnyPay Cloud Bridge.exe"

More on group policy editor and how to use it to manage login and logout events can be found here:

And various sample scripts can be found here:

If you know a local MCSE or Windows Admin, we can prompt them for advice. They can probably set this up for your clinic in  5 minutes.

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