How to Add Family Members to a Patient Profile

How to Add Family Members to a Patient Profile

You can add family members in zHealth for your patients in their Patient Profiles.

If you have existing patients at your clinic who would like to add other existing or new patients in their accounts as their family members, you’ll need to do this for them (they can’t do this themselves). Here is how:

1. Watch Video Tutorial

2. Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Enter the first or last name of the patient in the top navigation Search box. Click Enter. From the search results, click on the desired patient name. The Patient Chart will open.

2. On the Patient's Profile page, click "Contact Details ."

3. On the Contact Details page, click the "Family Members" as shown here.

4. On the Family Members page, click the "Add New Family Member" button as shown here. A pop-up window opens.

5. You can add an existing patient as a family member or add a new patient.

a. To add an existing patient, enter the first or last name of the patient in the search box and click Enter. Click "Select" to select the family member from the patient search results. (Check the second screenshot)

b. To add a new patient as a family member, click "New Patient". A drop-down form opens. Enter new patient details (name, patient type, gender, phone number, email, date of birth, physician (if any)) and click "Confirm." 
(Check the third screenshot)

6. Once added, you can view the family members in the Patient Profile under Family Members tab like this.

You can view the name of the family member, nick name, patient type, and date of birth.

The provider can open chart of a family member from the Patient Profile and even set appointments for a family member from the Patient Profile.

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