How to Batch Print Claims

How to Batch Print Claims

You can use zHealth's 'Print Claims' feature if your payer requires you to print and send claims directly, instead of electronically. This help article covers how to batch print a group of claims that you are mailing directly to the payer.

1. From the zHealth dashboard, hover the cursor over your name at the top right corner. Click "Billing Center".

2. In the Billing Center window, click "Print Claims" as shown here. A pop-up window will appear.

3. On the Print Claims window, enter the following details to find all claims related to a given insurance payer:

a. Enter the Start Date and End Date
b. Select Insurance from the drop-down
c. Click the checkbox for "Show Printed"
d. Click Search

4. Based on your start and end date of service, you will see claims for the selected insurance payer along with these details:
a. Visit Date
b. Patient Name
c. Invoice amount
d. Amount paid by the Patient
e. Amount paid by the Insurance
f. Discount if provided
g. Patient Responsibility
h. Insurance Responsibility
i. Balance due
j. Status of the claim submitted
k. Printed (Yes or No)
Note: The Claims are sorted based on the alphabetical order of the Patient Last Name, followed by Date of Service (DOS), and alphabetical order of the Insurance Name. 

5. To print all claims, click the checkbox at the top to select all claims on the first page. Or you can select specific claims by clicking the checkbox in front of each row. Next, you can:

a. Click "Print All" to print the paper claims for each claim. Follow the print command on your system to print them at once.
b. Click "Print All HCFA" to print the HCFA forms for each claim. Follow the print command on your system to print them at once.

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