How to Collect Payments using zHealth Pay

How to Collect Payments using zHealth Pay

Once you sign up for zHealth Pay and activate your zHealth Payment Terminal, you are ready to process patient payments through zHealth Pay. You can use zHealth Pay to quickly collect payments right from your Appointment Dashboard, Invoice, Memberships Dashboard, and Patient Credit. Whether the patient is not carrying the card with him or her, you've saved the card on the patient file, or you need the Terminal to swipe, dip, or tap the card, with zHealth Pay it's possible to collect payments faster and increase your revenue.

Let's check out the various ways to collect payments from the Invoice section, Memberships, Appointment Calendar, and Patient Credit section.

1. Watch Video Tutorial

2. Check out Step-by-Step Instructions

A. From the Appointment Calendar

1. The Dollar $ sign that you can see with all appointments on your Appointment/Calendar Dashboard is a "Pay Now" feature that provides an easy way to collect patient copays and outstanding account balances. Click on the "$" sign.

2. Once you click "Pay Now ($)", a pop-up window opens. You will find there are different ways to collect payment. We will discuss each one by one:

a. Enter Card - Use this option when the card is not present. You need to type in the number manually to process payment.
b. Swipe Card - Use this option when the card is present. You need to tap/swipe/insert card in zHealth Pay Terminal to process payment.
c. Cash - Use this option when the patient wants to pay cash. This will update the Invoice Payments automatically.
d. Patient Credit - Use this option when you want to credit the patient payment and add it to the patient file.
e and f. Saved Cards - If you've two different cards saved on the patient file, you will see two cards on the Pay Now screen. Use any one saved card to process payment.

3. (i) If you select Enter Card, you need manually enter card details. Once you click "Enter Card", a new pop-up window opens. 

By default, the Payment Amount field is populated with the Total Due amount. If necessary, enter a different payment amount.

Process Payment and Save Card if you want to save card details to the patient's account for future payment processing.

Or click Process Payment if you just wish to process payment and don't want to save the card on the patient file.

(ii). On the next window, the Card Detail section shows the amount you're charging the patient and the invoice number by default.

Enter the Card Number, Expiration Date, and three-digit CVV2/CID code. Optionally, enter notes into the Description field if necessary.

By default, "Billing address is the same as patient address". If necessary, click to clear to enter a different billing address.

Enter "Sub
mit". The payment is collected.

4 (i). If you want to collect payment through zHealth Payment Terminal, click "Swipe Card". A new pop-up window opens.

(ii). By default, the Payment Amount field is populated with the Total Due amount. If necessary, enter a different payment amount. Click "
Activate Reader". Once your zHealth Payment Terminal is activated, swipe/tap/dip the card. Payment is collected. You will receive a message saying that the payment was successfully completed.
Note: When there is transaction error due to terminal connectivity issues, you will see a message like shown in the last screenshot.

5 (i). If the patient has already added his or her credit card information when booking an appointment or you have added the credit card details to the patient's Contact Details, you can use the saved credit card to process payment. If the patient has or you've added two credit card details to the patient file, you will see two saved cards. You can ask the patient which saved card to use for collecting payment.

Then, click one saved card option by clicking on "
Card ending with __XXXXX ".

Enter the Payment Amount and click "Initiate Payment." The window will refresh and you will see a message - "Invoice Payment Successful".

6 (i). If you select the payment type - Cash, it will open the Invoice page.

(ii). Scroll down to the bottom of the Invoice page. In the Invoice Payments section, enter Amount Paid and click "Add". Collect cash from the patient.

7 (i). If the patient paid through any other method or paid extra dollars through cash that you want to add as Patient Credit, click Patient Credit. 

(ii). Enter Credit Amount, Payment Type, Description (optional). Then click "Add".

B. From the Invoice

1. You can collect patient payments right after the service. Once you're done with the SOAP notes, create an invoice for the services rendered. On the Invoice tab under SOAP notes section in the Patient Chart, you can initiate payment. To do this, enter the following details in the Invoice Payments area:

Amount paid - The amount patient is paying for the services
Paid date - Defaults to the current date. (No need to change it)
Paid by - Defaults to patient. (No need to change it).
d. Select the "Payment Type" from the drop-down menu.

2. If you select "Cash" as the payment method, collect cash from the patient and click "Add".

3. If you select "zH-EPay" as the payment type - Once you enter the amount paid and select "zH-EPay" from the payment type drop-down, the window refreshes automatically.

You will see the Card Detail window where you need to type in the Card Number, Expiration Date, and CVV2/CID. By default, "Billing address is the same as patient address". If necessary, click to clear to enter a different billing address. Click "
Submit." You will receive a message saying payment was successfully completed.

4 (i). If you select "zHPay-Terminal" as the Payment Type - Then enter the amount paid and select "zHPay-Terminal" from the payment type drop-down.

(ii). A new pop-up window will open. Click "Initiate Payment". Your zHealth Pay Terminal should be connected to your PC/Mac. The Card Reader will be activated after initiating payment. Swipe/tap/dip the card through the Terminal. You will receive a message saying that the payment was successfully completed. The patient payment amount will get added to the Invoice Payments section.

 If you select a Saved Card as the Payment Type - Then enter the amount paid and select "Credit Card xxxxx****xxxx" from the payment type drop-down.
A pop-up window will open. Click "Initiate Payment." The window will refresh and you will see a message - "Invoice Payment Successful".

C. From the Memberships Payment Dashboard

1. To collect Membership Payment, go to Patient Chart > Memberships tab. If the patient has multiple active memberships, then click on the "Edit" button for a specific Membership Plan for which you want to collect payment. On the Memberships Detail Page, click "Make Payment."

2. On clicking "Make Payment", you will get the "Membership Payment" dashboard. To collect payment through zHealth Pay, you have three options - zH-EPay, zHPay- Terminal, and Saved Card. Let's check out how to collect membership payment through zH-EPay when the card is not present.

Enter the Membership Amount to be paid and select "
zH-EPay" as Payment Type. The page will refresh automatically and Card Detail window will open. Enter the Credit Card details and click "Submit". The payment is collected.

3 (i). If you select "zHPay-Terminal" as the Payment Type - Then enter the amount paid and select "zHPay-Terminal" from the payment type drop-down.

(ii). A new pop-up window will open. Click "
Initiate Payment". Your zHealth Pay Terminal should be connected to your PC/Mac. The Card Reader will be activated after initiating payment. Swipe/tap/dip the card through the Terminal. You will receive a message saying that the payment was successfully completed. The patient payment amount will get added to the Invoice Payments section.

4 (i). If you select a Saved Card to collect membership payment, here is how it will work. Enter the amount paid and select "Credit Card xxxxxx*****xxxx" from the payment type drop-down. If two cards are saved on the patient file, ask the patient which saved card to use to collect membership payment.

(ii). A pop-up window will open. Click "
Initiate Payment." The window will refresh and you will see a message - "Invoice Payment Successful".

D. From the Patient Credit 

1. To add payment to the Patient Credit, go to the Patient Chart, and click the hyperlink in front of the Patient Credit option as shown here. The Patient Credit window will open. 

Enter Description, Credit Amount, and select Payment Type. If you want to add Patient Credit through zHealth Pay, you have three options - zH-EPay, zHPay-Terminal, and Saved Card. Let's check out how to add Credit through these three options.

2. Let's check out how to add Patient Credit through zH-EPay when the card is not present. Enter the Description, Credit Amount to be paid and select "zH-EPay" as Payment Type. The page will refresh automatically and Card Detail window will open. Enter the Credit Card details and click "Submit". The payment is collected.

3 (i). If you select "zHPay-Terminal" as the Payment Type - Then enter the Description, Credit Amount, and select "zHPay-Terminal" from the payment type drop-down.

(ii). A new pop-up window will open. Click "
Initiate Payment". Your zHealth Pay Terminal should be connected to your PC/Mac. The Card Reader will be activated after initiating payment. Swipe/tap/dip the card through the Terminal. You will receive a message saying that the payment was successfully completed. The credit amount will get added to the Patient Credit.

4 (i). If you select a Saved Card to add Credit Amount, here is how it will work. Enter the Description, Credit Amount, and select "Credit Card xxxxxx*****xxxx" from the payment type drop-down. If two cards are saved on the patient file, ask the patient which saved card to use to collect membership payment.

(ii). A pop-up window will open. Click "
Initiate Payment." The window will refresh and you will see a message - "Invoice Payment Successful".

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