How to Generate, Email, and Print Billing Statement for a Patient’s Total Visit

How to Generate, Email, and Print Billing Statement for a Patient’s Total Visit

A billing statement summarizes all patient’s visits as well as payments received. It shows the patient’s contact details, provider details, and diagnosis and treatment provided in every visit. You can generate a billing statement for a patient in zHealth and print or email it.

1. Watch Video Tutorial

2. Read Step-by-Step Instructions

A. Generate Full Billing Statement 

1. Navigate to the Patient Chart. Click on the blue colored ‘Billing Statement’ button. A pop-up window will open.

2. To generate billing statement or abbreviated statement, enter the following details:

a. Select the date range by choosing the '
Date of Service From' and 'Date of Service To'. Use the calendar icons to select date ranges.
b. Enter the claims number (if any).
c. Enter the insurance adjuster (if any).
d. Click the checkbox if you want Supplement and Misc Items details in the Statement.
e. Add any notes
f. Exclude ICD-10, CPT codes, payment summary, patient's credit, practice NPI#, rendering provider NPI#, and billing note.
g. Click ‘Generate Statement’ to generate the billing statement for the given date range for the patient.
h. OR Click ‘Abbreviated Statement’ to generate the abbreviated billing statement for the given date range for the patient.

3. The Billing Statement is generated now.  It includes the following details: Facility Address, Patient Name and Address, Phone, DOB, Claim #, Notes, Total Charges, Adjustment, Patient Paid, Insurance Paid, Total Paid, Statement Balance, Past Balance, Patient Balance, Insurance Balance, Total Balance Due, Date of Injury, Diagnosis, and Payment Details like Amount, Amount Used, Paid By, and Payment Type.

You can print it if you want to send it to an attorney, biller, or staff by clicking on the print icon.  

You can send the billing statement to the patient by clicking on the email icon.       

4. The Abbreviated Billing Statement is generated now. It includes the following details: Facility Address, Patient Name and Address, Phone, DOB, Diagnosis, Date of Service, CPT Codes, Modifiers, CPT Description, POS, Units, Charges, Payments Date, Amount, Amount Used, Paid By, Payment Type, Total Charges, Total Payments, Balance, and Next Appointment Date and Time.

a. You can print it if you want to send it to an attorney, biller, or staff by clicking on the print icon.  

b. You can send the abbreviated billing statement to the patient by clicking on the email icon. 

3. Once you send the statement to the patient's email address or print the billing statement, here is how they look.

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