How to Upload Patient's Past Notes

How to Upload Patient's Past Notes

If you have patient’s past notes like XRay files, scanned copy of SOAP notes, medical records, or other documents, you can upload them to zHealth. You can upload past notes to a patient profile and access and edit them. You can even print patient’s past notes.

Note 1: It is important to avoid using special characters in file names when uploading them. This may disrupt our software's ability to read the file, potentially causing process interruptions.

1. Watch Video Tutorial

2. Read Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Access the Patient Chart. Click the Past Notes tab

2. Click ‘Upload Note’ at the right side of the Past Note screen.
Note: You can upload a .dcm .dicom .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .pdf file for upload. 5 MB limit per file.

3. Next, enter the following information:

a. Enter the
description for the past note.
b. Select the document type from the drop-down (check the second screenshot)
    - X-Rays
    - Scans
    - Insurance Cards
    - Consent Forms
    - Patient Image
    - Medical Reports
    - Identification Documents
    - Billing Reports
    - Visit Records
    - Lab work
    - Eligibility Info
    - Diagnostic Imaging
    - Orders/Referrals
    - Others
c. Select Date of Visit
Click ‘Browse’ to browse the required file from your computer.
e. Click 'Save'

4. The uploaded past note will appear in the Past Notes section.

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