Make User Active or Inactive

Make User Active or Inactive

Users with Admin access can change the Status of a user profile from Active to Inactive. There are two primary reasons to inactivate a user. 

  1. A user leaves the facility, you mark them inactive (Users cannot be deleted only made Inactive) and you build a new user profile for their replacement. 
  2. When your regular staff or provider is on vacation/leave, you have to share the same access to the new user as the previous staff/provider. However, if you do not want to have two users with the same profile having the same access to all features, you can mark the staff/provider who is on vacation/leave as inactive and create a new profile for the fill-in staff/provider with active status. 
1. At the top right corner of the zHealthEHR application window, you will see Your Name (Provider Name). Hover the cursor over your name and a drop-down menu will open. Click on 'User Management'.

2. On the User Management page, you will be able to see all providers and staff members in your facility.

There is a column -
Active. All active users (both Providers an Staff Members) have a blue tick under the Active column. You can click on the check box to inactivate a user.

3. All inactive users will be shown under the section - Inactive users.

4. You can make a provider or staff inactive by clicking the checkbox in front of that provider/staff. 

Similarly, to activate an inactive user by clicking on the checkbox under the Active column.

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