Manage Rooms in Your Facility

Manage Rooms in Your Facility

In the Manage Room* Settings, you have the ability to incorporate exam rooms into your practice management workflow. You can also easily add, edit or delete exam rooms as needed.

Once a room has been added, it can be assigned to a patient from the Dashboard during the patient visit.

*Note: Manage Rooms is turned off by default, so if your clinic would like to add the rooms feature they can reach out to support at A. How to Add, Enable, Disable, or Checkout a Room.

1. How to Manage Rooms in Your Facility - Watch Video Tutorial

2. How to Manage Rooms in Your Facility - Step-by-Step Instructions

A. How to Add, Delete, Enable or Disable a Room

1. To get started, log in to your account at

a. Once you’re logged in, you will see your name at the top right corner.

b. Hover the cursor over to your name. A drop-down menu will open.

2. Access Manage Room Settings: Click on the fourth option - Manage Rooms - from the drop-down menu.

3. Add Room
On the Manage Rooms window, there is a box where you can type the room name. Click Add Room.

4. Enable or Disable Room
Enable means a room is available to assign to a patient when he or she checks in or come to your practice. Enable a room when it is available to assign to the next patient. Disable means a room cannot be assigned to a patient. Disable a room when you have a room busy for some reason and don't want to assign it to a patient for treatment or consultation, etc.

5. Checkout (Booked) Room from Manage Rooms 
When checking in a patient, you need to assign a room to him or her. When a patient is assigned a room, it appears as booked in Manage Rooms as shown here. When the patient is checked out, the room becomes available and changes to Enable (Empty) automatically

B. How to Check Patient In and Out of a Room

1. To check in a patient into a room, click the "Settings" icon in front of the patient appointment in your Calendar. A pop-up window opens.


2. On the pop-up window, select a room from the drop-down and click Check-In. The patient will be assigned a room and checked-in for the appointment.

3. Daily and Weekly View of Assigned Rooms

The assigned rooms will be visible on your 
Daily Calendar right after the patient name and phone number as shown here in the first screenshot.

Weekly Calendar view, click on the "Weekly" option on the top right side. Hover the cursor over any patient name, you will see the assigned room as shown in the second screenshot. 

4. To check out a patient from an assigned room after the treatment is complete, click the "Settings" icon. A pop-up window opens.

(i) On the pop-up window, click "Check-Out".

(ii) The software will send you to the patient's billing tab to close out the invoice or take payment. When you click the "Checkout" button at the top of the Invoice window, the room becomes available.

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