In the event you have two accounts for the same patient, you can use the 'Merge Patients' option in our software to combine data from both into a single account.
Before you merge duplicate patient charts you must make sure the following data is the same in both accounts:
1. Enter the first or last name of the patient in the Search box on the top of the navigation bar on the zHealth dashboard. Click Enter. |
2. Click on the patient record you want as the 'Master Record'. The Patient’s Chart opens. |
3. By default, you will be at the Summary section of the patient profile. Click on the third tab - Contact Details. |
4. Browse through the menu on the left side of the Contact Details tab. Click on the fifth option 'Merge Patients.' On the Merge Patients window, you will be able to view the secondary patient chart with the same patient name, DOB, sex, and patient type. Click the "Merge" button. |
5. A pop-up window will appear displaying the message - "All the notes and appointments related data will be transferred. Are you sure you want to merge this patient?" If you're ready to merge the patient, click 'Yes'. Once done, you will be redirected to the Summary tab of the patient profile. |
Once you confirm and merge, the following changes will happen:
Note: You will not be able to reverse a merge once it is completed.