Reviewing the Audit Trail of an Invoice
It is possible to review the audit trail history of a patient's invoice. This information is read-only and for viewing purposes only.
Here is how to view the audit trail for the invoice and what information you will find:
 1. Access your zHealth dashboard. Use the top navigation search box to search for the patient name if you would like to view audit trail for the invoices created for this patient. Click on the patient name from the patient search results. The Patient's Chart will open.
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 2. On the Patient's Chart, click on the Patient Billing tab.
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 3. On the Patient Billing tab, click on any Invoice to open it. The Invoice page will open.
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 4. On the Invoice page, click the four lines on the top left corner as shown here. Invoice Audit will open. | |
 5. Invoice Audit Trail Information: Whenever an action is taken on the Invoice, a row is generated with details like:
a. Date - The date when an action is taken b. Operation - If an item is added or deleted c. Message - Description of the action taken* d. Provider - The name of the user who updated the audit trail  *Note: The Message for each action reflects detailed description. For instance, the Message will show CPT code and description when a procedure code is added. The Message will show Payment Amount, Adjusted Amount, and EOB number when you post an EOB.
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