View All Past Notes of a Patient from Multiple Facilities and How to Print Them

View All Past Notes of a Patient from Multiple Facilities and How to Print Them

If your practice provides services in multiple locations, your patients might not always go to the same facility. If you have configured multiple locations in your zHealth account, you can view all past notes for a patient for all facilities along with pain diagram markings through the 'Past Notes' tab on a Patient's Profile.

1. Watch Video Tutorial

2. Read Step-by-Step Instructions

A. Navigating Past Notes Tab in the Patient Chart

1. Enter the first or last name of the patient on the top navigation search box.

2. Click on the desired patient name from the auto-populated results. The Patient's Profile opens.

3. Click on the second option - "Past Notes."

4. The Past Notes tab will show the following information:

a. Seen date: The date when the service was rendered to the patient. Click the drop-down arrow to find the past notes from the last 3, 6, 12 months or more.
b. Type of NoteClick to select the type of note (e.g., Uploaded, Note Only, All, etc.). 
c. Comments: Type the phrase/comment to find past notes containing the same phrase/comment.
d. Signed By: Click to select the provider who rendered services to the patient.
e. Signed By: Click to select the provider who signed the past notes.
f. Facility: If you've multiple facilities, click to select the facility name.
g. Outcome Assessment Graphs: Displays the graphical view of the Outcome Assessment (OA) Form filled by the patient.
h. Upload Note: Click to upload past notes.
i. Print: Click to select past notes that contain invoice details, only invoice details, or only SOAP and OA components.
j. Note: Click to view details about the subjective, objective, treatment, and treatment plan, ICD description, and ICD-10 codes within the note. The note will also include patient name, gender, and date of birth as well as facility name and address, and provider name and NPI and EIN numbers.
k. Note w/o Invoice: This note displays all the information mentioned above excluding the invoice part.
l. Invoice: Click to view the invoice details including facility name and address provider name and EIN and NPI numbers, patient name, bill date, diagnosis codes, CPT charges, total balance, patient paid amount, and more.
m. Edit: Click to edit a past note.

B. Print Past Notes

1. Print multiple notes

a. To print multiple past notes at a time, click the checkboxes to select the notes you want to print.
b. Click the "Print Note" button and select if you want to print all these past notes with invoice, without invoice, or just the invoices but no charges shown.

2. Print a Specific Past Note with Invoice

Click the "Note" button to view a specific past note.

A pop-up window opens. Click the "print" icon on the top right corner and choose a printer from the destination box and 'print.' Adjustments can be made by clicking "More Settings." To save the past note as a PDF file, click the "Save" button on the bottom and download it to your system.
Note: Users have the ability to view and print Pain-Diagram in Past Notes if there are any pain diagram markings in the note.  

3. Print a Specific Past Note without Invoice

Click the "
Note w/o Invoice" button to view a specific past note. A pop-up window opens. Click the "print" icon on the top right corner and choose a printer from the destination box and 'print.' Adjustments can be made by clicking "More Settings." To save the past note as a PDF file, click the "Save" button on the bottom and download it to your system.
Note: Users have the ability to view and print Pain-Diagram in Past Notes if there are any pain diagram markings in the note. The pain diagrams will have legends when you print them out.

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