Guidelines for Billing BCBS Illinois (HCSC) and Blue Shield of California
According to the Office Ally notification dated 01/13/2025, when submitting claims to the following two payers, the "Service Facility Information" on HCFA/UB claims does not require the Service Facility NPI if it is the same as the Billing Provider ...
Claims and HCFA FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions Q1: I’m having a hard time printing the HCFA form (original red/white form). Box 32 and 33 print on the next line or things are misaligned. Can you help? A1: When printing HCFA forms from Google Chrome, we’ve found the ...
How to Rebill or Resubmit Claims
In this help guide, we will show you how you can resubmit a claim both through the ERA as well as manually through Patient Billing. Once your claim has been submitted to the insurance, the claim comes back as an ERA or through email as an EOB. Once ...
NUCC 1500 Claim Form (HCFA) Crosswalk to 837
This help article explains what on the 1500 Claim Form (HCFA) corresponds to the 837 EDI file. This document* is intended to be used in conjunction with the NUCC Data Set. Please refer to the NUCC’s 1500 Reference Instruction Manual for more specific ...
How to View Claim Audits
To assist in better claim management, the Claim Audit option on a claim record provides the tracking of key changes made to the claim. Anytime a change is made to a claim record, the log will record the following: Patient Name: The name of the ...
Using Blue Shield of California’s Claims-Routing Tool
When you send claims, it’s crucial that you understand where the claims should go. It's frustrating for providers when their claims get denied because they selected the incorrect insurance company name when registering a patient or updating their ...
Insurance Claim Error Cheat Sheet
In chiropractic billing, claim errors result in either rejections or denials and overcoming these can be challenging. Even small errors like missing or incorrect patient demographic information can lead to claim denials and payment delays. As a ...
How to Fill the HCFA Claim Form in zHealth
This document only explains what type of information you need to fill in each box in the HCFA (CMS-1500) claim form and where you can add, update, or change corresponding information in your zHealth account to ensure accurate information for claim ...
Tracking Insurance Claim Status
When you submit an electronic claim, the application creates and sends an 837 EDI file to the clearinghouse (Office Ally). After that, you or the system cannot control your claim. Fortunately, the application allows you to track your claim’s status. ...
How to Submit the Claim from the Invoice Page
The claim can be submitted right from the invoice section of the patient profile. It is a 2-click process. Follow these steps when you are done creating an invoice for the patient. 1. On the left side of the invoice section, there is a ‘Submit Claim’ ...
How to Batch Submit Claims from the Billing Center
You have the option to submit all insurance claims at once. This means that you will be sending claims for multiple patients to their corresponding insurance providers. This is a useful tool in zHealth that will allow you to send out all claims in ...
How to Batch Submit Claims at the Patient Level
You have the option to submit all insurance claims for a given patient at once. This means that you will be sending claims for multiple patient visits to the corresponding insurance providers. This is a useful tool in zHealthEHR that will allow you ...
Find a claim
You can easily find any claim for a patient on zHealth to view it, edit it, or submit it. There are two ways to find a claim. The first one is through the Billing Center and the second one is through the Patient Chart page. (i) How to find a claim in ...
Claim Submission Checklist
The following claim submission checklist will help providers or billers to ensure all necessary (and accurate) information are provided at the time of claim submission. Facility Setup Checklist 1. Verify the following information for each insurance ...
About Claim Rejections
There are five steps involved in the claim process: Patient check-in Coding of diagnosis, procedures and modifiers Charge entry Claims submission Payment posting When a claim is submitted from zHealth, claims go through three separate checks before ...