What Is Patient Plus?

What Is Patient Plus?

zHealth Patient Plus

zHeath's Patient Plus helps you communicate with and engage patients automatically. You can close the communication gap with automated recall messages, birthday texts, and missed appointment notifications. Patient Plus works automatically so you can focus on patient care and our system takes care of patient communications.

Note 1: Patient Plus is a paid service available with our Basic and Advanced plans. If you want to add this feature to your plan, please email support@zhealthehr.com or call 1-800-459-0302. 

Note 2: You can request our Customer Support to add your custom landline number for texting so you can receive reply to any text, including Appointment Reminders and Bulk Texts; set up patient-initiated texting (patients can reply to Conversations, Review Plus, and Patient Plus), and configure non-patient initiated texts too.

Note 3: Today, zHealth supports receiving SMS texts (Short Message Service) only. Any MMS texts (Multimedia Messaging Service) that include emojis, gifs, and/or images will not be delivered. Allowing MMS texting is an enhancement scheduled on the 2024 roadmap.

1. What Video Tutorial

2. Read the Step-by-Step Instructions

A. Automated Recall Messages

Automated recall messages support return business for your practice by reminding patients who have not visited your practice for a while. zHealth automatically identifies active patients who are not on the schedule after 3, 6, and 12 months. The system sends recall messages to these patients on the actual 3rd, 6th, and 12th month dates*.

Our software stops sending recall messages when:
  1. A patient opts out by replying to the recall message with “STOP”.
  2. You manually check the “inactive” box on the patient’s Profile/Chart page.
3-month Recall Message That We Send to Active Patients
Hello <Patient Firstname>! We haven't seen you in a while and would like to get another appointment scheduled for you at <Facility Name>. Please call us at <facility phone number> or visit our website.

6-month Recall Message That We Send to Active Patients
Hello <Patient Firstname>! We haven't seen you in about 6 months. Please call us at <facility phone number> or visit our website to get another appointment scheduled at <Facility Name>.

12-month Recall Message That We Send to Active Patients
Hello <Patient Firstname>! Can you believe it’s been about a year since we last saw you? How are you feeling? Please call us at <facility phone number> or visit our website to schedule another appointment with us at <Facility Name>. 

B. Automatic Birthday Messages

Patient Plus send automatic birthday wishes to patients on the date of birth. If DOB is entered and the Birthday Message checkbox is checked in the patient’s Profile/Chart page.
Birthday Text That We Send to the Patients
Happy Birthday from all of us at <Facility Name>. We hope you have a wonderful day and see you again soon!

C. Missed Appointment Notifications

Missed appointment notification is sent about 1 hour after the end time of a patient's missed appoint (not checked in).

Missed Appointment Text That We Send to the Patients
Hi <Patient Firstname>! We missed you today at <Facility Name>. Please call the office at <Facility Phone> or text back a good time to reschedule today’s appointment.

*Texts sent back are forwarded to the <Patient Plus Phone> located under the Facility Tab unless you have Conversations turned on.

The Conversations feature is a separate add-on feature that can be added to Patient Plus. It will allow the clinic to initiate or respond to text messages from patients. If you want to add the Conversations feature to Patient Plus, please email support@zhealthehr.com or call 1-800-459-0302.

To view Patient Plus and Conversations pricing,
click here

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do patient plus recall messages get sent to all patients whether they've had an appointment in zHealth or not after the 3, 6, or 12 months? I don't want all my patients who may have had appointments in my old software a couple weeks ago get a recall message.
A: The "last visit date" under Contact Details is mandatory for sending text recall messages at the 3, 6, and 12 month point. However, it is not necessary for sending missed appointment messages or birthday texts (DOB must be filled out).

Q: How do I exclude a patient from getting a certain Patient Plus text?
A: Texts will not be sent to any 'inactive' patients (you can make any patient 'inactive' under Contact Details). Similarly, you can uncheck the "Birthday Messages" checkbox if you don't want a patient to receive Birthday texts. To not send recall messages, you can remove the "last visit date" under Contact Details. Lastly, any patient who responds to a Patient Plus text with "Stop" or "Cancel" will no longer receive texts from that number. To get texts again, the patient can text "Start".

Q: What phone number are Patient Plus texts sent from?
A: The default number Patient Plus texts are sent from is 415-304-8172. There is an option to upgrade and have texts come from a custom landline number, however the number has to be a landline and NOT a mobile or VOIP number.

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