How to Send Intake Forms to a Patient

How to Send Intake Forms to a Patient

zHealth sends intake forms to new patients automatically if your clinic has taken the Advanced Package. Our software emails the intake forms to new patients based on the following two conditions:

1. If the appointment that is booked is designated as a "New Patient" (this is set when creating an appointment type)


2. The patient
doesn't already have a SOAP note.
Manually sending intakes to patients can be done at anytime.

To turn off the intake automation and send forms manually instead, follow these steps:

1. First, you need to change "Patient Type" in Appointment Types. From your zHealth dashboard, hover the cursor over your name on the top right corner.

Click on "Update Info".  Go to the Facility Tab. Click on Appointment Types from the left side menu. You may have created an Appointment as "New Patient". Search the New Patient appointment type from the list.

Then, click on the "Edit" icon as shown in the screenshot here. 
Please note that sending intake forms manually may affect your "New Patient Reporting"

2. A pop-up window will open. Change the "Patient Type" from New Patient to Established Patient. Click "Update."

3. If you have more appointment types that have "Patient Type" as New Patient (N), then change all appointment types to "Established Patients" as explained in the Step 2.

4. Now, you can go ahead and book an appointment for the new patient. (Please note the patient may also book an appointment online if you're using zHealth's Online Appointment Portal.) To book an appointment for a new patient through the Calendar/Scheduler, click on the available appointment slot.
Note: All white spaces indicate appointment slots are available. All grey spaces indicate slots are blocked.

5. The Available Appointment pop-up window will open. Confirm the date and time. Then, click the radio button for "New Patient."

Enter the following details to book an appointment for the new patient:

a. Enter the first and last name of the patient.
b. Select
Patient Type from the drop-down.
c. Select
d. Enter
phone number.
e. Enter
email address.
f. Select
date of birth.
g. Select the physician from the drop-down.
h. Select the appointment option from the dropdown.
i. Click '
Confirm and Add Details.'

The new patient is now booked for an appointment in your calendar for a given date and time. You will be redirected to the Calendar.

6. Click on the patient name from the Calendar to view the patient chart. In the Patient Chart, click on the option - "Intake".

On the Intake tab, you will see all intake options on the left side of the screen.

To send the intake forms to the patient, click on "
Send All Forms to Patient" on the right side of the screen.

7. A pop-up window will open. It will show all forms that will be sent to the patient (based on Patient Type). Make sure your intake forms are showing on the window.

By default, the checkboxes in front of all forms will be checked. You can uncheck them if you don't want to include them. 

Click 'Send'. All checked forms will be sent to the email address of the patient.
You can always add your own customized consent forms to your facility. Click here to know how to add your own consent form.

Important Notes:
1. A patient, who has received the intake link, will be asked to create an account in the patient portal (or login if an account is already created) to fill out their intakes. If any intakes are not started or completed online, the forms will be waiting for them to complete during the front desk check-in at the office's kiosk. You'll be able to see if/when intakes were sent to any patient by checking the patient's communication audit trail.

2. The same username and password is to be used for both the patient portal and the clinic's online appointment portal.

3. zHealth can turn off the capability of emailing intakes as well. Please reach out to your CSS or support team at
800-459-0302 or

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does the system show an error "Intake cannot be deleted" while trying to delete an Intake from Patient Chart?
A: Please note that if you have customized your Intake or SOAP note and are trying to delete the Old Intake from the patient chart, the system may throw such an error.  If you encounter this issue, please contact the zHealth support team for assistance with deleting the Intake from the backend.

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