zHealth Additional Options and Add-ons

zHealth Additional Options and Add-ons

zHealth offers a number of features above and beyond the “Basic” package. Some are included at no charge if requested and others may incur a monthly fee. Below are some additional options and add-ons of zHealth. Please reach out to zHealth’s support team (support@zhealthEHR.com) or contact your Customer Success Specialist to learn more.

Info1. Included in the Advanced Package (or $60 more than the Basic Package)                                        

  • Online Appointment Portal: Choose which appointments and which providers you’d like to offer patients (and potential patients) the ability to book appointments online.
    • Upgraded New Online Appointment Portal: Utilizes the new online appointment portal which includes an upgraded UI, appointment categories, multiple bookings, provider pictures and requires patients to login (or create login) during online appointment bookings to reduce duplicate patient charts.
    • Offer "Earliest Available Appointment"For busy clinics, offer your patients the ability to find the first available appointment instead of searching day by day.
    • Offer "Booking With Date"Our default search points patients to first choose their provider. However, if patients are trying to book a certain day/time rather than provider, this is a great option to enable.
    • Allow First time users/patients to book on the Online Appointment Portal: zHealth can allow users to sign-up (not just sign-in) and create an online account in the online appointment portal. Note: This is the same username and password for the patient portal.
    • Appointment Credit Card Required: Requires a patient to enter a credit card to put on file to book an appointment (but not take payment). Credit card details will be saved in the patient file and without that patients can not book. This only works with NCMIC and/or zHealth Pay.
    • Appointment Credit Card Payment Required: Requires a patient to make payment to be made to the clinic in order to book an appointment. This only works with NCMIC and/or zHealth Pay.
    • Enable Memberships To Be Booked Online: zHealth can enable all memberships (not certain ones) to be booked online.
  • Emailed Intakes: Intakes can be automatically or manually emailed to your new patients to fill out on zHealth’s patient portal prior to them arriving in the office.

2. Included Options by Request                                                                                                                    

  • New Billing Center: Portals built after May 2022 have the new billing center. Older clinics are encouraged to upgrade their insurance billing with the ability to view and take the appropriate action on ERAs and post multiple EOBs. See the difference here.
  • Inventory Management for Supplies and/or Supplements: instead of tracking what your clinic sells on paper, Excel, or separate software, you are able to manage your inventory in zHealth. Not available with the Basic Plan.
  • Connect and display your zHealth calendar in Google: Each provider can sign into their Google account to display their zHealth calendar as a Google Calendar. Not available with the Basic Plan.
  • SALTing Last Visit? Our default SALTing of SOAPE Notes is based on the last visit from a specific provider. However, some of the larger clinics want to SALT notes based on the last visit, regardless of the provider. 
    • If checked, SALTing will occur from the last visit (regardless of provider). 
    • If not checked, SALTing will be based on last visit from the provider (2nd visit will populate from previous visit regardless until the provider in question has at least filled out their own notes.
  • Ability to create/edit your own SOAPE Note: In 2024, we’ll be releasing our Self-Service SOAPE Note Builder.
  • Add Sunday to Schedule: If you see patients on Sunday we can add Sunday to your clinic’s schedule for booking regardless of if it is open during business hours.
  • Allow Existing Patient Walk-Ins to check in at the front desk: By default, patients can only check in at the front desk kiosk if they are on the schedule today. If you accept walk-ins, we can allow any existing patient (must be in the system) without an appointment for today to check-in with their phone number for the next available appointment. 
  • Allow New Patient to Walk-in: Not recommended, but if a phone number isn’t found in zHealth, a new patient who hasn’t visited your clinic before can create a patient profile and go through the sign-in process.
  • Add Memberships: zHealth has the ability to add memberships within the portal and to a patient’s chart. Best if used with integrated credit card processing.
  • New Invoice Button: This allows for an invoice to be created outside of an appointment and SOAP note. Recommended if clinic is selling or charging for products/services without an appointment.
  • Room Assignment: Adds the ability to create and manage rooms in the admin section and offers those room selections during appointment scheduling.
  • Distribute and Apply Detailed Payments on Invoice: This was created for clinics who wanted detailed payment details at the CPT, Supplement, and Misc. Item (Supplies) level. It should only be used by clinics who want detailed reporting. If this is enabled, the invoice payment interface changes - it will ask for detailed patient payments only.
  • Enable CC to Provider Email: This will copy any invoice sent to the patient to the Provider’s email address on file.
  • Daily Log: Turns on the Daily Log so that notes can be added for the day and per patient. The Phone Log/Daily Log icon will show next to the Follow Up flag.
  • Disable Pain Diagram: If a clinic does not want to print the Pain Diagram with Past Notes (or it is taking too long to print a note), zHealth can disable the pain diagram from being viewed or printed.
  • Remove NPI & EIN In Past Notes: Removes NPI and EIN in Past Notes.
  • Disable Intake History In Past Notes: Removes any intake history (medical, family, social, surgical) from the Past Notes.
  • Hiding Intake Tabs
    • Hide Family History: Hides the Family History section of the Intake forms so the clinic won’t see them. 
    • Hide Social History: Hides the Social History section of the Intake forms so the clinic won’t see them. 
    • Hide Medical History: Hides the MedicalHistory section of the Intake forms so the clinic won’t see them. 
    • Hide Surgical History: Hides the Surgical History section of the Intake forms so the clinic won’t see them.
  • Distribute Balance: When enabled it shows Patient & Insurance balances distributed in the billing statements.
  • Placeholder Column (Ghost Column)Sometimes a provider DOES NOT want to create a note, but needs a place to put patients so staff and other providers know the room is taken or booked, you can do that with the Placeholder Column. A Placeholder Column won't produce a note, won't send confirmations or reminders, and will not allow a patient to check-in. This feature would be beneficial for an appointment column that is shared by different providers like a laser room or a patient needs something from another provider in addition to an existing appointment with their main provider. Clinics have also found this column beneficial for a waitlist. Not available with Basic Plan.
  • Add another Facility/Location: zHealth has the ability to add additional facilities with different addresses and billing information at no cost.
  • Self-Service SOAP Notes (SSSNB): We now offer the ability to create your own SOAP notes in zHealth. Use and/or edit pre-built templates or create your own from scratch. Certain restrictions apply as we continue to build and enhance this product.
  • Patient Mobile App: Coming soon!

3. Texting Add-ons                                                                                                                                       


Pricing for these features can be found on https://myzhealth.io/pricing/

  • Text Patient In Waiting Room and/or view check-in queue (No fee, but only available if one of the below texting features is enabled): zHealth can enable this additional feature located under the calendar viewable for a single provider Daily view (not weekly or all). zHEalth Developed for a specific clinic who wanted their walk-in patients to go directly back to the Dr.’s office when texted. Clinic can click the button below and a text will be sent to the patient letting them know the Dr. is ready to see them now.
  • Review Plus (Monthly fee per provider): Automatic texting which asks patients for provider/clinic rating and based on that rating will send a response to learn more or send a link to post on social media. Notifications look like this.
    • Instead of the standard 2-step process (first get a rating of 1-5, THEN send review link), we can activate a 1-step process which will ONLY send the review link and no rating or reminders.
    • Note: Patients who are inactive may still receive Review Plus texts if they have appointments
    • Here is how clinics can find their Google Business Review Link
  • Patient Plus (Monthly fee per facility): Automatic texting sent to patients on their birthday, an hour after an appointment is missed, and if they haven’t visited the office in the last 3, 6, and/or 12 months.
  • Conversations (Monthly fee per provider): Feature that allows a clinic to initiate or respond to any texts the system or a patient sends.
  • Custom “From/To” Texting Number (Set-up fee per facility): zHealth has default texting numbers for different texts that are sent for different purposes. Let zHealth know if you’d like us to configure a custom landline number (no VOIP or cell) so ALL texts are sent from/to one custom landline number. This feature is recommended with Conversations
    • Patient/Person Generated Texting: Ability to turn on or off 1) patient generated texts and 2) non-patient texting (will create new patient record if the phone number is not in the software)

Info4. Other Add-Ons Available For An Additional Monthly Fee                                                                

  • zHealth Pay (One-time terminal fee. Other fees based on transaction only): zHealth’s credit card processing feature. Flat rate fees for either card-present or card-not-present. Terminal optional for additional price and shipping/handling. Many additional features (save cc on file, set recurring payments, integrated into patient chart, require cc for online appointments, etc.)
    • Ability to text/email to pay online from Monthly Statements page (by request only)
    • Ability to pass a surcharge (up to 3% onto patients)
    • Ability to offer a cash discount
  • Telehealth (Monthly fee per provider): Telehealth can be added for video appointments. Let zHealth support know which appointment type to turn Telehealth and an appointment with telehealth will send a link to the patient for a video meeting.
  • Need a Website? (Monthly fee): Did you know zHealth can build you a custom website? zHealth’s website designs empower chiropractic clinics to showcase their services online to potential and existing patients, easily without any coding knowledge. Choose from a number of designs for a low monthly price. Reach out to our support team (support@zhealthehr.com) with any questions on how to get started.
  • Add another Provider: All our pricing packages are priced per provider per month. Message Therapists or other providers who don't bill or don't have an NPI qualify for discounted rates.
  • Provider Mobile App: Coming soon. Available for Standard Plan only.
  • Email Marketing Integration: Coming soon! Available for Standard Plan only.

Please note that there is a 1-year minimum term for any paid add-on. By default, our agreements renew after 1 year without a 30-day written notice prior to the next billing cycle or term.

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